Last week, we went to a friends house for a family game of baseball. We didn't really go by the rules. We let everyone bat until they hit a ball, didn't call fouls-if they hit it, they ran, went through the batting line up once and switched sides. With the mix of ages between our 6 children and their 4, it was the best way to go for a fun, friendly game.
Whenever it was Ben's turn to bat, whoever was pitching made sure to get close so he could hit the ball. As he ran the bases, you could just see the sheer determination in his face as he pushed his legs to go faster and faster. Part of me wanted to tell him to slow down some or take a little break. The other part of me said, just let him enjoy himself, he is having so much fun. I decided to just let it go.
I have noticed in the days following, that he has been a little more tired and having pains in his feet. He fell at the grocery store yesterday. I always question myself, wondering if I made the right choice; even the little ones. Should I have stopped him?
Imagine how he and other DMD boys feel. His mind is so concentrated on making his body do something that it struggles so hard to do. Imagine feeling like you can go faster, stronger, higher, only to have your legs produce a fast walk instead of the sprint your mind is determined to make. Imagine running with 50lb weights inside your shoes. Imagine a gallon of milk being too heavy to carry.
Living for the moment is my motto. I didn't used to be like this and I sometimes feel pulled into different directions. As a Christian, I believe that nothing happens by accident. I want to live in the moment, yet I want to see the bigger picture of it all. I know that our lives are only just a vapour. If you think about it, in light of eternity, we are only on this earth for a speck of time. Eternity is what truly counts. James 4:14 Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.
I want my son to enjoy life. I also don't want anything holding him back from what the Lord has for him. I want our time, mine and my whole family, count for something. Only the Lord knows all the intricate details for our future. I am continuing to place my trust in Him and have faith that He holds tomorrow in His hands.
What an inspiring blog. Here in the UK our family have been living with Duchenne since my youngest son (of two) was diagmosed at the age of 3. He is now 30 and has posted on the dmd moms facebook page with details of the film he is making.
ReplyDeleteI can honestly say that my husband and i are honoured to be his parents. He is an inspiration. I think you should do what feels right for you. I know that we encouraged Jon to be as active as possible through his childhood, possibly against his own desires at time but with his full agreement. It paid off as he was still walking unaided at the age of 12. I look forward to keeping in touch in the future. Facebook has many positive aspects, not least putting people in touch over the world facing similar problems.
Best wishes
Jenny Hastie. Worthing UK