Sunday, December 27, 2009

Can Nutritional Therapy Help MD? (and other stuff)

I found this article while browsing and thought it looked interesting. I am still VERY new to MD and there is a ton of information out there. This article on nutritional therapy is something that I am going to ask about at our next visit to the doctor.

Speaking of our next visit, we are going this Tuesday. We received a call on the 23rd that the results of our 2nd blood test are in. They did not tell me over the phone, and from what I understand, they are not allowed (but I asked anyway). They want us to come in and sit down with us to discuss the results. Unfortunately, our neurologist is out of town until January. We are seeing a different doctor at the Neuro-Muscular Disorder clinic at Children's. In the back of my mind, I am still hoping that it is something else....something less severe. The wheelchair part is something that I can handle--the life-expectancy being in the 20's part is not. As I have said before, only the Lord is the One who will see me through this.

The last 2 weeks or so have been a little strange. After the initial shock of it all, after weeping and crying out to the Lord, I have a strange sense of peace. I don't know if the busy-ness of this time of year has taken my mind off of it some or what. I am truly thinking that Lord is just plain giving me comfort, showing me that He is in control and that He will hold us up and that things will all be done according to His timing. That really is comforting. I can feel the prayers and it is so amazing to me.

1 comment:

  1. I'm continuing to pray that the Lord will give you the strength and comfort you all need right now. Praying for a miracle, too!
